Clemco pipe tools help you get the job done faster, enhancing productivity and saving you money. Clemco tools are engineered for a wide range of pipe diameters and most common blast abrasives. Each tool handles a specified pipe diameter range with the use of centering devices.
Hollo-Blast Jr.
for Pipes 3/4-inch to 2-inch ID
Hollo-Blast Jr. comes with a 9/32-inch tungsten carbide nozzle, which consumes 80 cfm at 100 psi. Four sets of centering collars accommodate pipes from 1-inch to 2-inch ID. Without using any collar, the tool fits pipe 3/4-inch ID.
for Pipes 2-inch to 12-inch ID
Hollo-Blast comes standard with a 1/2-inch short venturi nozzle and tungsten-carbide deflection tip to spray accelerated abrasive in a 360-degree pattern. With 1/2-inch nozzle, the tool uses 200 cfm at 100 psi. Options include a larger, 5/8-inch nozzle
for Pipes 2-inch to 12-inch ID
Hollo-Blast comes standard with a 1/2-inch short venturi nozzle and tungsten-carbide deflection tip to spray accelerated abrasive in a 360-degree pattern. With 1/2-inch nozzle, the tool uses 200 cfm at 100 psi. Options include a larger, 5/8-inch nozzle

The Spin-Blast cleans pipe at rates unobtainable by any other means. The Spin-Blast comes in two model sizes: SB-836 for pipes 8-inch ID to 36-inch ID, with the standard nozzle head; and SB-3660 for pipes from 36-inch to 60-inch ID with a nozzle head capable of holding two nozzles.
Spin Blast
for Pipes 8-inch to 36-inch ID
In operation, two standard nozzles installed on the head cause the head to rotate and propel abrasive to the pipe surface for incomparable hitting force. SB-3660 uses long venturi nozzles for effective blasting of larger ID pipe.
Adjustable carriages are used to fit the tools to the pipe diameter size. These Spin-Blast models are productivity tools, best used in a controlled environment, where they can be maintained as needed for the production schedule.


For 16-inch to 60-inch diameter pipe, the Pipe-Pro XLTM is a pneumatically-operated tool for cleaning pipe interior surfaces. It attaches to the blast hose in place of a standard nozzle. The Pipe-Pro XLTM features an air motor, which controls the rotation of blast head, where two identical nozzles mount. The 360-degree rotation of the blast head provides complete cleaning without rotating the pipe. Variable-speed head rotation means precise RPM adjustment so that the degree of cleaning the pipe surface condition calls for can quickly and easily be achieved. The adjustable carriage with urethane wheels centers the tool within the pipe and provides smooth movement throughout its length. The tool uses two standard short- or long venturi nozzles, which must be ordered separately because nozzle choice depends upon the diameter of the pipe and the available compressed air supply.
The Spin-Blast HD electric model is for 18-inch to 120-inch pipe diameters. The motor is controlled by a simple-to-operate control box with an on-off switch and a knob to control the RPMs of the DC motor, which controls the blast head speed. By manually controlling the blast head speed, the operator can vary the dwell time for more efficient blast cleaning. The HD-E does not require AC electric power; and does not consume expensive compressed air beyond the needs of the nozzles. the motor is capable of producing 4.5-inch pounds at 25 RPM, and has 100:1 gear ratio providing the necessary torque for large,highproduction blast nozzles for large diameter pipe.

l Efficiently handles wide range of coatings
l Applies uniform layer at remarkable speed
l No need to rotate the pipe or tubing
l Unique gun assembly ensures precise control
l Air-controlled centering carriage legs easily adjust for gradual pipe bends

Simple Solution for Industrial Coating Challenges
The Clemco Orbiter provides an innovative and efficient solution to the difficult job of applying paint to the inside of pipe, conduit, tubing or other cylindrical structures. With the Orbiter, you can apply a uniform layer of paint at remarkable speed. Two standard models cover pipe diameters from 3.5 inches through 37 inches. Orbiter I is for pipes 3.5 to 7 inches ID. Orbiter III is for pipes 7 inches through 37 inches ID. Each system includes a paint spray tool with centering legs, an air control assembly, a paint spray gun, and air-control and high-pressure paint hoses. Not included but required for operation of the Clemco Orbiter is an airless paint spray pump. Any standard 30:1 pump is the minimum requirement, while a 45:1 pump may be preferred as dictated by the coating. The heart of the Orbiter system is the air-control assembly. From this central location, the operator controls start/stop of the rotating-head air motor, the on/off of paint flow, and the air valve and pressure regulator, which control the expansion and contraction of the centering carriage legs.
Used with any standard airless paint spray pump with a minimum pump pressure ratio of 30:1; the Orbiter set up is quick and easy (the pump size will depend upon paint viscosity, hose length, and tip size). The Orbiter is powered by compressed air, which operates the rotating head and the carriage legs. Orbiter I and Orbiter III require approximately 15 cfm and 22 cfm respectively, both at 90 psi. Various sizes of long-lasting tungsten carbide spray tips are available to suit the specified coating. Paint flows through the spray tip and paint tubing for metering at the head, the working end of the Orbiter. To operate the Orbiter, one operator handles the air-control assembly and paint gun; another manually pulls the tool from one end of the pipe to the other at a speed established by experience and the type of coating being applied and the thickness required.